Subject Re: [IBO] RBuilder and IBOPipeline
Author Luiz Alves

I don't pay attention in this case.
Until now, I don't have this problem.


----- Original Message -----
From: Geoff Worboys <geoff@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 13, 2001 7:27 AM
Subject: [IBO] RBuilder and IBOPipeline

> Hi People,
> Just wondering if anyone else has had trouble with master/detail
> setups inside RBuilder - and if so whether you think it is an
> IBOPipeline problem or an RBuilder problem? (or my problem :-)
> RBuilder v5.55, Delphi v5 on W2K and IB6
> I have a report with 3 layers of master/detail.
> Main - Detail1 - Detail2
> I originally had the form defined so that the
> IBOPipeline.MasterDataPipeline properties were setup to reflect this
> relationship. According to the documentation...
> "For the DBPipeline and BDEPipeline classes this property is
> informational only and does not trigger any automatic record filtering
> logic"
> I found it convenient to set the property so that the data tree in the
> RB report designer showed the relationships.
> The problem was that when Detail1 only had one record, the next Main
> record would not show any Detail2 records. Its a bit hard to explain
> without lots screen captures etc, so you'll just have to use your
> imagination :-)
> After much @#$#@ debugging I finally thought to play with this
> property and set Detail2.MasterDataPipeline=Main and the problem went
> away!!!
> Has anyone else had similar problems?
> Geoff Worboys
> Telesis Computing
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