Subject Re: [IBO] IB_ComboBox on a IB_Grid gives painting problems
Author Jason Wharton
Find this code in IBG_Custom.IMP and alter it as I am indicating:

if Prepared then
if ARow >= FixedRows then
for ii := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
if Controls[ ii ] is TIB_CustomComboBox then
with Controls[ ii ] as TIB_CustomComboBox do
if Assigned( Field ) and ( AColumn = Field ) then
// Test if value is found.
tmpInt := ItemValues.IndexOf( Result );
if tmpInt >= 0 then
tmpString := Items.Strings[ tmpInt ];
Result := tmpString;
if Assigned( OnGetDisplayText ) then
OnGetDisplayText( Self, ACol, ARow, Result );

You also need to add a tmpInt: integer local variable at the top.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeroen W. Pluimers (All I'M)" <jeroen.mailings@...>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 11:50 AM
Subject: [IBO] IB_ComboBox on a IB_Grid gives painting problems

> Jason,
> When you drop an IB_ComboBox on an IB_Grid, and you associate the
> IB_ComboBox with a column in the grid, then the column in the grid is not
> painted any more.
> This is contrary to an IB_LookupComboBox that does get painted correctly
> inside an IB_Grid.
> I'm probably overlooking something simple (I can't imagine this is a bug).
> So: what am I doing wrong?
> I made a temporary fix for myself, and it looks like this:
> function TIB_CustomGrid.GetCellDisplayText( ACol, ARow: Longint ): string;
> ....
> if Prepared then
> begin
> if ARow >= FixedRows then
> for ii := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
> if Controls[ ii ] is TIB_CustomComboBox then
> with Controls[ ii ] as TIB_CustomComboBox do
> if Assigned( Field ) and ( AColumn = Field ) then
> begin
> tmpString :=
Items.Strings[ ItemValues.IndexOf( Result ) ];
> if tmpString = '' then file://##jp: Added
> Result := Result file://##jp: Added
> else file://##jp: Added
> Result := tmpString;
> end;
> if Assigned( OnGetDisplayText ) then
> OnGetDisplayText( Self, ACol, ARow, Result );
> end;
> Steps to reproduce:
> - dump the components below on a form
> - change the database name (in the params) if applicable
> - make sure the Form.OnCreate executes this code:
> IB_Query1.Open;
> - run the application
> - top grid does not show CUSTOMERNAME, but bottom grid does
> - this is because the top grid has a IB_ComboBox on it
> Jeroen W. Pluimers
> All Information Management
> ================
> object IB_Grid1: TIB_Grid
> Left = 60
> Top = 72
> Width = 581
> Height = 149
> CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
> DataSource = IB_DataSource1
> TabOrder = 0
> DefaultRowHeight = 17
> object IB_ComboBox1: TIB_ComboBox
> Left = 232
> Top = 40
> Width = 145
> Height = 21
> DataField = 'CUSTOMER'
> DataSource = IB_DataSource1
> Visible = False
> TabOrder = 0
> ItemHeight = 13
> Items.Strings = (
> 'Sna'
> 'Foo'
> 'Bar')
> end
> end
> object IB_Grid2: TIB_Grid
> Left = 60
> Top = 232
> Width = 585
> Height = 153
> CustomGlyphsSupplied = []
> DataSource = IB_DataSource1
> TabOrder = 1
> DefaultRowHeight = 17
> end
> object IB_Connection1: TIB_Connection
> DatabaseName = 'Internal'
> Params.Strings = (
> 'PATH=E:\Program Files\Common Files\Borland Shared\Data\employee.'
> 'gdb'
> 'PASSWORD=masterkey')
> Left = 56
> Top = 12
> end
> object IB_Query1: TIB_Query
> DatabaseName = 'Internal'
> IB_Connection = IB_Connection1
> SQL.Strings = (
> 'SELECT *'
> ColorScheme = False
> MasterSearchFlags = [msfOpenMasterOnOpen,
> BufferSynchroFlags = []
> FetchWholeRows = True
> Left = 144
> Top = 12
> end
> object IB_DataSource1: TIB_DataSource
> Dataset = IB_Query1
> Left = 220
> Top = 12
> end
> ================
> procedure MyForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
> begin
> end;
> ================
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