Subject Re: [IBO] resource-leak ??!?
Author Geoff Worboys
Hi Ralf,

> If I just start - let's say the Tutorial5 from the BasicTutorial
> -folder and scroll up and down in the grid that is displaying the
> data, the free ressources (under Win98, using the Ressources-
> monitor) drop rapidly, causing the system to crash after some time.
> This problem will only be seen under Win9x.
> (WinNT and Win2K don't have the ressources-problem...)

So you have experimented and seen that the problem does not occur
under NT/W2K? Or is it only that there are generally more resources
available so it does not matter as much?

Can you give any hint on which resources are being consumed (handles,
memory, GDI)? Which version of Win98? Which version Delph/BCB was
used to build? Are you using a local Interbase installation or remote
server? Which version of Interbase?

Obviously any such problem is a real concern but we need more
information if we are to try and track this down.


Geoff Worboys
Telesis Computing