Author Jason Wharton
You can ignore that exception. It is handled, its just that in debug mode if
you don't have EIB_ISCError included in your list of Delphi exceptions to
ignore then it will pester you. I suggest adding this into your list of
exceptions to ignore.

I also suggest that you simply take advantage of that table. It is designed
to facilitate automatic version control with the schema cache. There's still
a bit of work left up to you to do but at least I have provided a standard
name for a table to use to store version numbers in. If this changes from
what is in your schema cache then you dump and redo it.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: <lester@...>
To: "IBO" <>
Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2001 1:06 AM

> I have two data modules, in separate threads.
> In one, I can enable SchemaCacheDir - having removed any '*' field
> entries from the queries, and it starts OK.
> On the other, one of the query prepares fails because it can't find
> First question - Where should the table be, and when is it created. It
> does not seem to be present even on the good connection.
> Both connections are accessing the one database on the server, but I am
> using different cache directories locally. If I switch off the worker,
> the other connection still fails.
> Second question - How should I be configuring in this situation?
> Now that I am getting into IB_Monitor, anything I can look at to check
> this out futher?
> --
> Lester Caine
> -----------------------------
> L.S.Caine Electronic Services