Subject Re: [IBO] Error: V3.6.Cd w/ TIBOQuery
Author Jason Wharton
This is a known (and now fixed) problem from that sub-release. I am
currently in TEST mode with it and a couple of other issues. I hope to get
the people who have submitted issues to confirm to me that I have them
resolved and we can make another sub-release.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kevin Stanton" <kstanton@...>
To: "IBO List" <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 06, 2001 6:16 PM
Subject: [IBO] Error: V3.6.Cd w/ TIBOQuery

> Greetings,
> I was wondering if anyone else has received the error:
> Problem in BindingCursor
> I have a report created w/ ReportBuilder that uses TIBOQuery.
> When previewing Purchase Order form, the first view works ok.
> The 2nd throws the above mentioned error.
> Seems to be happening in
> function TIB_BindingCursor.QuickFetch after I call
> rbPOForm.trPO.Refresh(True)
> This was not a problem until this version as I just upgraded w/in the last
> day or so.
> Any clues will be GREATLY appreciated.
> Kevin