Subject Colors for IB_LookupCombo in an IB_Grid
Author staff@belding
I have an IB_lookupCombo (LC) in an IB_Grid.

I am trying to set the colors for the text displayed in the LC when it is
selected but not displaying its lookup values. It works OK on the PC in the
Contact Sample with blue background and white text. In my app the LC color
hides the text.

When the dropdown list appears the background color for the list is
controlled by LC.popupcolor.

In my app and in the Sample Contact app I have not yet found a way to
control the colors of the LC when it is selected but not displaying its
lookup values.

Any clues, using the Sample Contact app as an example?

Summary Question:
Where does an IB_LookupCombo get its color settings from when it is inside
an IB_Grid, IgnoreColorScheme is True for the grid and LC, ParentColor and
ParentFont are False for both grid and LC, and the LC is selected but not
showing its list?

