> Try to add these lines in your project source.
> SysUtils.ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mm/yy';
> UpdateFormatSettings := False;
> HJ
> > I've also noticed a problem with IB_Date when display format is:
> > dd/mm/yyyy
> > and edit mask is:
> > 99/99/99
> > since the field is edited ok, and properly formatted when exited, but
> re-entered, the first two digits of the year are put on the field instead
> the last two. If you leave without edit it again is ok, but if you edit,
> instance, the month, the date conversion generates an error.
> > (i.e. --> 10/12/01 is then displayed 10/12/2001. When re-entered the
> IB_Edit shows 10/12/20).
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