Subject Re: [IBO] IB_Date wrong date formatting
Author Hie Joen
Try to add these lines in your project source.

SysUtils.ShortDateFormat := 'dd/mm/yy';
UpdateFormatSettings := False;


> I've also noticed a problem with IB_Date when display format is:
> dd/mm/yyyy
> and edit mask is:
> 99/99/99
> since the field is edited ok, and properly formatted when exited, but once
re-entered, the first two digits of the year are put on the field instead of
the last two. If you leave without edit it again is ok, but if you edit, for
instance, the month, the date conversion generates an error.
> (i.e. --> 10/12/01 is then displayed 10/12/2001. When re-entered the
IB_Edit shows 10/12/20).