Subject RE: [IBO] character sets transliterate error
Author Josipovic, Nikica
Did you also set the correct character-set in the TIB_Connection?

Nick Josipovic
Business Analyst / Market Intelligence
Global Corporate Communications

Neurottstrasse 16
69190 Walldorf
T ++49 6227 762945
F ++49 6227 7834457
E nikica.josipovic@...

> Hello!
> I've created an IB_Query.
> In a string field I'd like to insert text including German "Umlaute":
> 'äöüßÄÖÜ'.
> The error message: "Cannot transliterate between character sets" is
> displayed.
> The database, tables and columns are based on WIN1252 charset and
> collation.
> Any ideas?
> Regards, Boris