Subject Re: [IBO] help?
Author Daniel Bertin
I did do that, IB_SQL unziped it and ran it. Same error it seems like to be
coming from a registry entry?
Does that make sense

When I try to run the source code in delphi5 I get an error where it tries
to read from the registry.

with FRegDB do
LastLayout := ReadString( 'Settings', 'LAYOUT', EmptyStr );
FRegDB := nil;

At 02:42 PM 30/11/2001 -0700, you wrote:
> > I'm trying to run IB-WiSQL and get this weird error which I have no clue
>I could help more if you got the latest of IB_SQL on my web-site and used
>Jason Wharton
>CPS - Mesa AZ
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