Subject Re: [IBO] Invalid class typecast
Author Luiz Alves
I believe you have a problem of installation of IBO.

Make a clean on ibo files and try install again.


----- Original Message -----
From: <slsolutions2000@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2001 4:41 PM
Subject: [IBO] Invalid class typecast

> Hello:
> I am new to both Interbase and IBO. I have set up a simple form that
> has a TIB_Connection, TIB_Transaction, TIB_Datasource, TIB_Query,
> and a IB_Edit. I believe I have all the necessary properties set
> correctly. I can connect to the Database etc. just fine. The
> problem I have is when I try to set the Datasource and Datafield
> properties in the IB_Edit. I can select the Datasource from the drop
> down menu but when I try to set the Datafield I get the
> error "Invalid Class Typecast". I get this error when I try to
> select the drop down menu. If I try to type the fieldname I get the
> error after each character typed. However, once I have the correct
> fieldname entered and run the program, the IB_edit works fine. If I
> go to the Basic Tutorials and bring up Tutorial 4 I get the same
> error when attempting to set the property on the sample form. I just
> downloaded IBO yesterday so I assume I have the latest version. Can
> anyone help ? Thanks.