Subject Re: [IBO] Last
Author Jason Wharton
If you set the AutoFetchAll property to true and have it load all records
into the buffer then it will not make use of the horizontal dataset
refinement features which require the descending index for snappy

This is highly recommended for all TIBOTable components which are going to
be used as small lookup tables.

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sandeep" <sandeep@...>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 5:24 PM
Subject: [IBO] Last

> Hi
> This thing is troubling me too much so I'm going to ask this
> question again.
> When I do last on a table with 700 records it takes 3 secs. I don't
> have a descending index on that field. But if I add a descending
> index it's a snap.
> If the prepared sql statement doesn't puts Order by fieldA desc
> clause it doesn't takes that long to execute. The descending index
> becomes helpful only if the number of records are more (more than
> 10,000). So if that order by clause is added only if the record
> number in table is more than 10,000 (or some predefined value /
> maybe have a property which can be set to indicate to use desc
> caluse when doing last) it would make it very quick when doing last.
> And would avoid the need for having another index for every index
> defined.
> Regards
> Sandeep
> Software Developer
> sandeep@...