Subject Re: [IBO] IBO Transactions
Author Sandeep
On 16 Oct 2001, at 13:56, Geoff Worboys wrote:

> > > Sandeep, what IBO and Delphi version are you using?
> >
> > Dephi 5, IBO 3.6.Di
> Your simplest option is (as Jason suggested) to drop TIB_SessionProps
> onto the mainform and set AllowDefaultConnection to false. (It will
> work even for IBO TDataset stuff.)
> If looks like the fix for the actual problem never made it to 3.6.Di.
> If you want to apply it yourself then edit IBA_Statement.IMP and
> change the following functions as shown...
> function TIB_Statement.IsConnectionStored: boolean;
> begin
> Result := Assigned( IB_Connection );
> // if Result and IB_Session.AllowDefaultConnection then
> // Result := not UsingDefaultConnection;
> end;
> function TIB_Statement.IsTransactionStored: boolean;
> begin
> Result := Assigned( IB_Transaction );
> // if Result and IB_Session.AllowDefaultTransaction then
> // Result := not (( IB_Transaction = FIB_Transaction ) or
> // UsingDefaultTransaction );
> end;
> The above is a direct copy from v4 - where you can see the code that
> has been commented out (the code is still active in 3.6.Di and I think
> that is your problem).

Thanx, I'll try that


Software Developer