Subject Live queries
Author Lele Gaifax
Hi everybody,

I'm new to IBO, and I'm trying to convert an application currently
based on IBX.

The form I'm working on allows the editing of a "tree" of records. I
have a recursive SP that takes 4 params and returns a flat
dataset. To edit the tree, I have a DataModule that provides the
needed functionality. With IBX I had CachedUpdates=TRUE and in
`OnUpdateRecord' I applied the changes by calling the DM methods.

I chose an TIBOQuery as the TIBQuery replacement, and tried to get a
live result, without luck. My SQL is the following, basically the same
as what I used with IBX except for the final "FOR UPDATE" and the use
of "?" instead of ":" for params (sorry for the italian names):

SELECT oap.Modello, oap.VarianteModello, oap.Tipologia, oap.Zona CodZona,
oap.Operazione CodOpz, oap.Descrizione, oap.Moltiplicatore,
oap.PercCalcoloRendimento, oap.PercCalcoloEfficienza,
oap.OpzChiave, oap.OpzTerminale, oap.ClasseTempi,
TimeToString (oap.Tempo100/100/60/24, 'hh:nn:ss') Tempo100Vis,
liv.CostoMin, oap.PercFlessibilita, oap.NImpulsi
FROM OperazioniVarianteModello (?CODICE,?CODVARMOD,0,0) oap
LEFT JOIN TempiOpz topz ON (topz.CodTip=oap.Tipologia AND
topz.CodZona=oap.Zona AND
topz.CodOpz=oap.Operazione AND
LEFT JOIN Livelli liv ON (liv.Codice=topz.LivelloOpt)
WHERE oap.OpzNormale='T'
ORDER BY oap.Zona, oap.Operazione

The procedure `OperazioniVarianteModello' gets its data from a table,
the one I have to update of course. I have the key (MODELLO,
update (MOLTIPLICATORE, ...., OPZTERMINALE). The remaining fields are

I tried playing with CachedUpdate and RequestLive, but all I get is
the obvious exception on altering a read-only dataset.

How should I operate with IBO? How can I convince the component that I
know what I'm doing in the OnUpdateRecord event?

thanx a lot in advance,
bye, lele.
nickname: Lele Gaifax | Quando vivro' di quello che ho pensato ieri
real: Emanuele Gaifas | comincero' ad aver paura di chi mi copia.
email: lele@... | -- Fortunato Depero, 1929.