Subject Re: [IBO] Can't Prepare Error
SchemaCacheDir -
I had switched this on now that the tables are stable, and it causes the

I intended to add it to the network entry, but for some reason I modded
the local connection instead, so I thought that it might be that, but
even changing the local connection to use TCP/IP protocol I get the
problem. The remote connection to another machine is fine.

'Statement Failed To Prepare'

Call Stack ( Builder 5 )
77E87E08 C:\WINNT\system32\kernel32.dll
0049869A Ib_components::TIB_Statement::SysExecute(Self=:010E5A00)
004A21A3 Ib_components::TIB_Dataset::SysExecute(Self=:010E5A00)
004A1B2B Ib_components::TIB_Dataset::SysOpen(Self=:010E5A00)
004A8869 Ib_components::TIB_Dataset::SysFirst(Self=:010E5A00)
004A5A30 Ib_components::TIB_Dataset::First(Self=:010E5A00)
0051F006 Ib_schema::SchemaVersionInfo(Cn=:010B0094, Tr=NULL,
00486230 SchemaVersionIsCurrent()
004862F1 GetLocalFile(AStrings=????)
004C53B8 Ib_components::TIB_Column::GetComputed(Self=:010E397C)
AColumn=:010E397C, AReadOnly=:0012FC3B)
0049ED41 Ib_components::TIB_Dataset::GetColumnIsReadOnly(Self=:010AB0AC,
AColumn=:010E397C, AReadOnly=:0012FC3B)
004C55BE Ib_components::TIB_Column::GetReadOnly(Self=:010E397C)
004EB0F6 Ib_datapump::TIB_DataPump::SysInitItems(Self=:010BD200)
004EA9F3 Ib_datapump::TIB_DataPump::SysPrepare(Self=:010BD200)
0051D830 Ib_process::TIB_Process::Prepare(Self=:010BD200)
00412A66 TNetData::RunningUpdate(this=:010AC854)

If I make an entry for the remote database connection, everything is
fine, so this is not now causing me a problem, but I can switch the
fault on and off, so is there anything else I can look at to isolate it?

Jason Wharton wrote:
> Could you please give me the callstack on those exceptions?
> Jason Wharton
> CPS - Mesa AZ
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <lester@...>
> To: "IBO" <>
> Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2001 7:06 AM
> Subject: [IBO] Can't Prepare Error
> > I have been round in circles a bit on other things, so not quite sure
> > where this problem came in, and it is probably just some setting.
> >
> > A program that has been working, is now giving an error when I first try
> > and prepare some bits.
> >
> > The first problem was an IB_Cursor that just returns a single two field
> > record. The first time it tried to prepare, it gave an error - Unable to
> > prepare - but it was then fine on every later use, only giving the error
> > when the connection was closed and reopened. I deleted it and re-created
> > it and it is now fine, but the problem has move to an IB_DataPump.
> > Deleteing and re-creating made no difference. The Source and Destination
> > SQL both prepare fine, and ignoring the error, all the records are
> > pummped, but the error returns on first use after connection is dropped
> > and reopened.
> >
> > The second pump in the package is unaffected, but is always used after
> > the first.
> >
> > What am I missing?
> >
> > Originally using IBO36A and problem has not changed moving to
> > IBO36CeTest.
Lester Caine
L.S.Caine Electronic Services