Subject Re: Problem with the new 3.6Cd release
Author Christian Kaas
--- In, "Sylvain Gherold"
<sylvain.gherold@a...> wrote:
> Hello,
> I've installed the new 3.6Cd release and now when I open my
> datamodule I get the following error message :
> Class TIBOFloatField not found. Ignore the error or continue ?...
> If I ignore all the float field created in my TIBOQuery are
> If I try to recreate them it works but the same error will happen
> again when I will open my datamodule again ( after having
> closed/Reopened my project ).
> Could you have a look ?
> Sylvain.

I had the same problem!
close all projects files (File-Close all)
Remove your IBO package under "Components->Install Packages" as well
as any depended packages.
Reopen the IBO_D5.dpk file, recompile and install - voilá
everything's working!
Do the same with the dependend packages.

that's it

Christian Kaas