Subject Re: [IBO] Promoting IBO (was: Re: IBO advantages over IBX)
Author Jason Wharton
> I have read so many e-mails from you and I was really surprised
> about your aggressive tone - you seemed to be a more calm person.
> Thinking about this, it came to my mind that there was once a discussion
> about the fact (?) that the programmer of IBX (not Jeff) has taken some
> code from IBO and used it for IBX.

I am not aware of such accusations. I really doubt they would do that.

> I know this is OT, but did they tell you any reasons why your
> list was killed? You said you were not notified before, and I
> consider this as a very strange behavior.

Very strange. This is all simply speculation on my part but I said something
to try and lighten things up a bit on Mers in response to Rob bearing down
on people for critical Borland sentiments. I also made light of his self
proclaimed "greatness and wonderful reputation" by saying "we are not worthy
(of you)", with a <g> which in a way was extolling him but he took it
wrongly. Shortly after this my list was simply deleted from his servers. I
sent emails asking what happened and he never responded at all, to this day.

Prior to him doing this I really thought we were friends and that I could be
so familiar in my language towards him. I was apparently wrong. I can only
guess that for some reason he was having a low self-esteem day, bad hair
day, or something that caused him to not see the jest. Perhaps Canadians
don't understand or appreciate some of the American humor.

It's very sad that he did this because a lot of important people will no
longer trust him. I think if he had it to do over again he would not do such
a thoughtless thing. I really appreciated all Rob has done in the past to
strengthen the InterBase community and I would rather not see his reputation
sunk like it has. Given some time we will all forgive and forget. Let's just
try not to worry about it.

> I don't want to produce any gossip, but the IBO list has become
> a very important part of my work and I have (virtually) met many
> people that I highly appreciate (in this list and in the IBO and
> IB community).

I'm very glad that it is helping you out a lot. Be sure to get involved in
IB-Support@... too. This is where IBO'ers have safe haven for pure
InterBase related questions.

> So I am highly interested in what is going on (and maybe some others,
> too).

This has been a very interesting past few years. It will be interesting to
see what comes of it all.

All the best!

Jason Wharton
CPS - Mesa AZ