Subject RE: [IBO] Promoting IBO (was: Re: IBO advantages over IBX)
Author Christian Gütter

> > > 5.
> > > Jason
> > > I just sensed - wrongly? - some
> > > frustration/aggressiveness
> > > in your tone.
> >
> > I thought the same.

I have read so many e-mails from you and I was really surprised
about your aggressive tone - you seemed to be a more calm person.
Thinking about this, it came to my mind that there was once a discussion
about the fact (?) that the programmer of IBX (not Jeff) has taken some
code from IBO and used it for IBX.

I always wanted to ask you if this was true.
After all, for me it would be an understandable reason for
your reactions.

> Yes, I was frustrated towards the situation. After having my
> list killed on
> Mers and getting my conference presentation abstracts
> rejected I was not in
> my normal temperament.

I know this is OT, but did they tell you any reasons why your
list was killed? You said you were not notified before, and I
consider this as a very strange behaviour.
I don't want to produce any gossip, but the IBO list has become
a very important part of my work and I have (virtually) met many
people that I highly appreciate (in this list and in the IBO and
IB community).
So I am highly interested in what is going on (and maybe some others,
