Subject OT: How to install and run IB SuperServer on SUSE 6.4 ?
Author Rolf Bredemeier
Hi list!

Sorry for this OT traffic on the list:

Please tell me an URL to see how to install the Interbase SuperServer
and run on SUSE Linux 6.4

I've download the InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm file an
installed it with rpm - U InterBaseSS_LI-V6.0-1.i386.rpm
Directories and files are created unter /opt/interbase.

But when i try to star the server happens this:
dbserver:/opt/interbase/bin # ./ibmgr
IBMGR> start
Unable to complete network request to host "dbserver".
-Error while listening for an incoming connection.
-Address already in use
check $INTERBASE/interbase.log file for errors
can not start server

The content of the log
dserver:/opt/interbase # more interbase.log
dbserver (Server) Mon Dec 4 09:33:21 2000
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for root
dbserver (Server) Mon Dec 4 09:33:21 2000
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for root
dbserver (Server) Mon Dec 4 09:33:21 2000
SERVER/process_packet: connection rejected for root
dbserver (Client) Mon Dec 4 09:33:21 2000
/opt/interbase/bin/ibguard: guardian starting bin/ibserver
dbserver (Server) Mon Dec 4 09:33:21 2000
INET/inet_error: bind errno = 98
dbserver (Client) Mon Dec 4 09:33:21 2000
/opt/interbase/bin/ibguard: bin/ibserver terminated due to startup error (2)

I really hope for help...

Best regards, Rolf