Subject vote plus FL vote news.
Author Joseph Carney
I like the new egroups speed. I vote we go, no stay uh oh... OH NO,
I voted FOR and AGAINST, my keyboard is just to difficult to UNDERSTAND..
Oh, woe is me, woe is me, I'm gonna sue egroups in Federal Court for not
making it easy....hehehehe.
(just kidding in case any one from egroups is monitoring).

For the record and future lawsuits, I like the new egroups. I am on several
other egroup based
email lists, and I like the option of going to the site and customizing my

FL vote news, new fodder for wannabe comedians.....
Unfortunately I live in Flori-DUH. The ballot card
issue has been relegated to (we'll get it fixed), only to be supplanted by
collosal incompetence of county voting officials. The guy in charge here in
Palm Beach County
let everyone off for Thanksgiving, and missed the 5pm Sunday deadline by 2.5
hrs. Thus,
the imcomplete recount was rejected by the Secretary of State and Gore lost
180 additional votes. To top if off, he started whining about it, as if it
wasn't his fault.

The idiots in Miami/Dade halted the recount because they felt 'threatened'
by a partisan group of Republican protesters. Mind you, no actual threats
were spoken or implied, they were simply expressing their support for Bush.
The worst part is in Miami/Dade the voting officials are all Democrats.

Now it's been discovered that absentee ballots were tampered with in
Seminole county by Republican controlled election authorities. They didn't
change anyones vote as far as any one can tell (yet). Apparantly when the
Republicans sent out absentee ballots around the world to servicemen, they
forgot to include all the proper instructions. Over 10,000 ballots came in
without voter registration IDs. By law, they are invalid.
The people counting the votes, deciding to 'help out' by writing in the
registration number them
selves. In Florida, it's a 3rd degree felony for anyone other than the voter
or the voters immediate family to alter any part of a ballot for any reason.

As the Chinese curse goes.... May you live in interesting times.

Joe Carney
West Palm Beach, FL

Let the jokes begin:).