Subject RE: [IB-Conversions] RE: Re: MS SQL 2 InterBase Wizard
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcelo Lopez Ruiz [mailto:marcelo.lopezruiz@...]
> Sent: MiƩrcoles 30 de Agosto de 2000 9:08
> OK, this is the diagnostic:
> 1. the wizard does not recognize type as a reserved keyword (it should
> recognize it and mangle it to typeCol).

Or ask the user or allow a setting in case the target is dialect 3 in IB,
because you could produce simply
"type" or "TYPE" whatever is readable. Of course, this doesn't have sense
for a dialect 1 db.

> 2. the wizard outputs the NUMERIC field improperly - I think it's
> inverting
> the order of precision/scale (except for currency data types, which are
> hardcoded to NUMERIC(18,4) to comply with OLE DB's specs)

Thanks for the info. ;-) I didn't know that OLE/DB requires money to be

> After these errors, the others are a 'cascade' - the tables don't get
> created, so data can't be pumped and keys can't be set.
> Marcelo Lopez Ruiz

Thanks for your efforts. If you keep sending the latest versions to
IBPhoenix, I will put a link to your program from my UTILITIES page in my
side, unless you have a more up to date URL for your program in Argentina.
