Subject RE: [IB-Conversions] Re: MS SQL 2 InterBase Wizard
Author Claudio Valderrama C.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Andreas Tille [mailto:tillea@...]
> Sent: MiƩrcoles 30 de Agosto de 2000 9:32
> Consider me as a busy Beta-Tester :).
> What about the "text"-type fields?
> Kind regards
> Andreas.

Text types with expected length less than 30000 bytes can be stored as
char/varchar fields in IB. In contrast, MsSql only allows around 8000 bytes
in char/varchar fields. However, long string fields introduce a great
performance penalty on IB, so the general solution is still to handle
MsSql's TEXT as
blob sub_type text in IB.
Probably, putting those fields in a script would render the script
unreadable or extremely long. Also, they can't be inserted in IB with a
literal value; you either use parameters or rely on loading first the
f_StrBlob UDF.
