Subject IBExpert New Version 2004.9.12 ready for Download
Author HKlemt
IBExpert New Version 2004.9.12 ready for Download

Today we uploaded a new Version 2004.9.12
of IBExpert on

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Free IBExpert and Firebird Roadshow in Germany

HK-Software lädt Sie ein zur kostenlosen Roadshow
Vom Daten-Chaos zur Information, Datenbankstrategien für Ihr

27.9.2004 Dortmund
28.9.2004 Wetzlar
29.9.2004 Rastatt
30.9.2004 München
4.10.2004 Münster
5.10.2004 Erfurt
6.10.2004 Magdeburg
7.10.2004 Neumünster
8.10.2004 Oldenburg

Neben anderen Programmpunkten ist auch "IBExpert InterBase/Firebird
Performance Optimierung" Thema. Außerdem können Sie auf der Roadshow
das Firebird Buch von Helen Borrie und IBExpert zu Sonderpreisen

Das sollten Sie nicht verpassen ...

Anmeldung unter

IBExpert 2004.09.12

1. Since this version IBExpert stores all it's files
(IBExpert.stg, IBExpert.tb, IBExpert.scm etc.) in
user home directory (for example,
C:\Documents and Settings\<User_Name>\Application Data\
Existing files will be moved to this directory
automatically when you start the new version for the
first time.

2. Data Grids:

* Added support for UNICODE. It is possible to display
data in unicode, but no possibility to edit it directly
in grid. To edit data in unicode you should use Form View
or modal editor connected with string cell.
To display data as unicode click the "Display data as Unicode"
button on the toolbar above the data grid or press F3.
This feature isn't available in IBExpert Personal Edition.

* Form View was completely redesigned. Not it displays also
descriptions of fields. It is also possible to choose
alternative layout of the Form View for those who likes more
compact and faster interface.

3. Database Explorer:

* Added separate node for database indices.
It is also possible to display system indices (indices for system
tables). Use Database Registration Info | DB Explorer |
Additional |
Show System Indices to enable/disable displaying of system

4. SP/Trigger Debugger:

* Added possibility to initialize parameters/variables using values
of any data grid. Just drag and drop a cell value from any data
on corresponding node in Parameters/Variables list to initialize
the variable with the value of data cell.
Also it is possible to initialize multiple variables/parameters
holding Ctrl key when dropping. In this case for each field in
IBExpert searches for corresponding parameter/variable (by name)
and if
the parameter/variable found it will be initialized with the
value of
field of the same name.

5. Database Designer:

* Added Model Navigator to navigate models quickly. Use
tab of the SQL Assistant of Database Explorer.

from resulting "create database"-script. Use Pre Script of the
to specify necessary init statements.

6. Main Menu | Database:

* Added "Recreate Database" feature. This drops the database and
it again (after confirmation, of course) using parameters of

7. Extract Metadata:

* Additional mode added: Extract into separate files. (Do not
confuse it
with the mode of the same name in previous versions of IBExpert,
was renamed to "VCS files"!)
In this mode IBExpert extracts metadata (and data, if specified)
set of files: two files with metadata (_ibe$start_.sql,
files containing table data (one or more files for each database
and runme.sql file, that consists of number of INPUT <file_name>
statements in correct order.

* Added Limit File Size option. This defines the maximum file size
of the resulting script(s). When specified max size is reached
creates a next file with postfixes 0001, 0002 etc.

8. IBEExtract:

* Added -f option (extract into separate files).

* Added -z option (maximum size of resulting files (in megabytes)).

* Current version is 2.02

9. IBEScript:

* Added -i options (idle priority).

* Support for EXECUTE IBEBLOCK implemented (not available in free
version of IBEScript).

* Current version is 2.02

10. IBECompare was updated to 1.45


In this version we introduce to you a new powerful feature -
EXECUTE IBEBLOCK. What is IBEBLOCK? It is a set of DDL, DML and
other statements that executed on the server and on the client
and include some specific constructions applicable only in
or IBEScript (excluding free versions of products).

With EXECUTE IBEBLOCK you will be able:
* To work with different connections within the single IBEBLOCK
at the same time
* Move (copy) data from one database to another
* Join tables from different databases
* Compare data from different databases and synchronize them
* Populate a table with test data using random values or
values from other tables or even databases
* ... and much more!

The syntax of IBEBLOCK is similar to the one of Stored Procedures
but there are many important extensions. For example:
* You can use EXECUTE STATEMENT with any server, including
InterBase 5.x, 6.x, 7.x
* You can use one-dimensional arrays (lists) of untyped variables
and access them by index
* It isn't necessary to declare variables before using
* You can use datasets (temporary memory tables) to store data
* ... and much more!

You can debug IBEBLOCKs in the same way as stored procedures
and triggers.

IBEScript supports for EXECUTE IBEBLOCK too.

Some examples of using EXECUTE IBEBLOCK you may get here:

12. Changed Installer, now only full Install Version is upload, all
from old Zip Archives are installed with this installer in the
Main Directory.

13. Tons of minor bugfixes and small improvements...

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