Subject ANN: EMS IB Manager 3 released!
Author EMS HiTech Team
EMS HiTech Company is very glad to announce the IB Manager 3 -- a new
version of our powerful InterBase/FireBird Administration Tool! With this
release we brought our product to a new level of effectiveness and
flexibility, and gave it a new name - from now QuickDesk is called InterBase
/ FireBird Manager or IB Manager for short!

You can download the latest version and user's guide from

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! With our warmest
greetings we are glad to announce 20% discount for all our products and
bundles. Buy now and save your money!

What's new in version 3?

1. New, modern and flexible user interface!

New powerful and flexible user interface was applied to IB Manager. This new
interface allows you to customize tool bar content (e.g. hide or move
button, make button groups, etc.), show only recently used items in menu,
customize menu's behavior and other useful features. Moreover the new dialog
was added that allows you to select the visual scheme between two
standard ones (XP-like or Classic), or customize it as you desire. The
visual scheme includes the view style of bars, trees, lists, edit controls,
buttons, check boxes and page controls, so you can totally change the way of
how the application looks. All customizations are saved for future use.

All interface features of version 3.0 are powered by Developer Express
components (

2. MDI interface support!

Since version 3.0 our product can look like Microsoft Office products i.e.
all windows can be child to the parent (by default). Of course it's possible
to use an old-style floating windows interface (as in previous versions).
The interface type can be customized through the Windows page of the
Environment Options dialog.

3. HTML Report Generator!

The HTML Report Generator is implemented. This tool allows you to create an
HTML report for database easily and quickly.

4. MultiLanguage support!

The multilanguage support is implemented. Now it's a quite easy to localize
IB Manager to your native language. Just translate all string resources in
the $(IB Manager)\Languages\English.lng file, save this file as
MyLanguage.lng and add the file to IB Manager using the "Localization" page
in the Environment Options dialog.

We have already received the German, Spanish, Italian and Russian
translations of IB Manager, the Dutch translation is coming soon.

5. New Visual Query Builder!

The Query Builder module was completely rewritten. Now it's powered by
version 2.0 of our QueryBuilder component
( Now this module contains a new
parser which should support all FB 1.x and IB 6.5 select enhancements such
as FIRST...SKIP and ROWS statements. Also now the Query Builder is fully
customizable, please see the corresponding page in the Environment Options

6. Powerful Plan Analyzer!

This tool can help you in optimization of InterBase/FireBird queries by
graphically displaying the techniques that the server is using to run your
query, including relevant index information, and by providing the most
accurate statistics possible.

7. Backup and Restore Templates!

Backup/Restore templates are implemented. Please find them in the Backup
Database/Restore Database wizards.

8. New Compare SQL Scripts Module!

The Compare SQL Scripts module was completely rewritten. Now it works much
better than in version 2.

9. Data Export to PDF and MS Access!

Export Data module: possibility to export data to PDF and MS Access is

10. A lot of other improvements and bugfixes!

Don't forget to check out other our products:
Powerful database administration tools for InterBase/FireBird, MySQL and
PostgreSQL servers
Cross-platform data management utilities
Powerful components for Delphi/C++ Builder developers

We hope you'll like our products.
Thank you for your attention.

Best Regards,
EMS HiTech Team