Subject Re: ANN: New module on Firebird tree
Author A6-CMO Philippe Makowski
> Achim:
> And you're right: I think the best thing to do is to look at each other
> code, and start working together on just one CPA. The objective is to have
> one application, a small one. Two heads is better than one. :-)
> Let's work on it !

This is the good way.
We have to ask for a commit access to this new module and work on it
Achim and Artur you made a good work.
I think that we have to improve the code that is on the CVS whith Achim's code.
There is a french version of Achim work but the way Artur's code do
internationalisation is better I think.
I'm ready to mobilise french Firebird community for french translation of futurs
tools and I'm ready to contribute to the code.