Subject Gbak with embedded firebird
Author Issam Boughanmi


is there a way to use gbak with embedded firebird . 2.5

here what i have tried :
- i download firebird in zip format .
- downloaded the embeded version of fb 
- copied the fbembed.dll in the firebird bin folder and renamed it fblicent.dll
- copied the msg files and the security db ... etc on that bin folder

then executed this cmd command  in the bin folder:

gbak -C -USER SYSDBA -PAS masterkey -verbose E:\path\backup.gbk E:\path\restored.gdb

but it's stuck with this output 
gbak:opened file E:\path\backup.gbk

and no file is created

i have a regular fb 2.5 installed on my machine (wich work with gbak) so i have disabled the service in order to use the embedded version
have tried both 32 and 64 versions

any help is welcome ,
thanks .