Subject Re: [firebird-support] CLI to firebird
Author Lee Nash
Hi Mark,

Thank you that’s exactly what I did!! I created a new user named the exact same as the user that created the role and o got access to the data.

Thank you for taking the time to answer!

Sent from my iPhone

On 31 Jul 2018, at 20:53, Mark Rotteveel mark@...<mailto:mark@...> [firebird-support] <<>> wrote:

On 31-7-2018 10:44, trueriver river14april@...<mailto:river14april@...> [firebird-support]
> So my question is
> a: is there a CLI client I have overlooked in the docs?

Yes there is: isql (although some distributions rename it, eg isql-fb on
Ubuntu). See also

Mark Rotteveel

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