Subject Re: [firebird-support] Error creating Foreign key
Author Mourad Hedfi
Hello All,

I return to you after many tests and finally I've found that when I've two or more successive FK to create, only the first is created and I've the error "Object in use" for the others.

I've tried : 
1. Add a commit command after every FK create command 
2. Disconnect  after every FK create command

==> always the same error.

Doe's anyone have an idea to fix this problem ?

Bien cordialement.

Mourad Hedfi
Directeur de projets
Tél. : 01 83 62 36 85

2018-05-31 9:22 GMT+01:00 Mourad Hedfi <mourad@...>:

Thanks for your reply.

1. Why do you remove all FK?
--> Data update covers all data's tables. I must remove all FK to be able to insert, delete records.

2. Why do you still use such old Firebird version?
--> You are wright. It's a big client database and I mist have it's agreement to use a recent version.

Many things was fixed since FB1.5 and i suppose that only real fix to your problem is using recent FB.

You can try disconnect after every FK.

--> I'll try this and tell you if it resolve the problem. Note that on 477 deleted FK, 326 are created.

You can also try do select count(*) from updated tables but you say that you do backup and restore...

Bien cordialement.

Mourad Hedfi
Directeur de projets
Tél. : 01 83 62 36 85

2018-05-31 8:42 GMT+01:00 liviuslivius liviuslivius@... [firebird-support] <firebird-support@yahoogroups. com>:


Two questions 
1. Why do you remove all FK?
2. Why do you still use such old Firebird version?

Many things was fixed since FB1.5 and i suppose that only real fix to your problem is using recent FB.

You can try disconnect after every FK.
You can also try do select count(*) from updated tables but you say that you do backup and restore...

Karol Bieniaszewski