Subject CTE is called very often


I thought with CTE I can speed up my procedure, but in reality it is much slower.

Can anybody tell me the facts why this happens. 

/* Case 1: Call DetailDataForSinglePRO for each PRO
     Because the are thousends of PRO and there is a big amount of detail-data this takes some time */
    select PRO
      from PRO
     where PRO.PR = :PR
      into :PRO
  do begin

    select Amount
      from DetailDataForSinglePRO (:PRO)
      into :Amount


  /* Case 2: Call DetailDataForAllPRO once in the with-clause */

  /*  I thought that this should be faster then "case 1" because
DetailDataForAllPRO brings a dataset with data
      for all PRO and is called only once (I thought).
      In reality this statement is much slower because it seems that
DetailDataForAllPRO is called for each PRO in the mainquery.

     Could anybody enlight me on that.
       - Is it "normal" that
DetailDataForAllPRO from the with-clause is called so often?
       - Why does this happen?

    with ProCosts as (
      select PRO, sum(Amount) as Amount
        from DetailData
ForAllPRO (:PR)
       group by PRO)

    select PRO.PRO, :Amount
      from PRO
           left outer join ProCosts on PRO.PRO = ProCosts.PRO   /* not each PRO has Detaildata */
     where PRO.PR = :PR
      into :PRO, :Amount