Subject My cliient can only connect to a Firebird DB when IBOConsole has connected
Author B?lint Nagy


I have an app (App1) installed in about 5 locations. It uses a Firebird database, that is also used by another app (App2).

In one location, App1 can’t connect to the DB, while App2 can.


I ran some tests, here are the results:

App2 is connected and working.

App1 can NOT access the DB.

I start IBOConsole and connect to the DB.

App1 can connect.

I stop IBOConsole.

App1 can NOT connect.

I start IBOConsole and connect to the DB again.

App1 can connect.


And this happens in only one location of the 5.


I’d like to be able to connect to the DB without having to start IBOConsole.


This is the connection string App1 uses:

"user id=SYSDBA;Password=...;data source=;initial catalog=C:\XOFT\Garcon3\Data\minibizz.fdb;port number=3050;dialect=3;character set=NONE;role name=;connection lifetime=15;pooling=True;min pool size=0;max pool size=50;packet size=8192;server type=Default"


Fb Server version is WI-V2.0.3.12981 Firebird 2.0


Any ideas?