Subject Insert SQL Deadlock Issue
Author Vishal Tiwari
Hi All,

 At production department, we are receiving below errors, not for all times, but frequently. We tried looking into code and found that there is a very simple insert statement which might cause that issue. Because functionality executes that Insert statement. 

Wondering how to resolve that issue, because as a developer we are not able to reproduce these error at least once.

We are using Delphi 6 and Firbird version is 2.5.2. I found that Transaction component in Delphi is not used while executing the SQL.

Error 1:
There was an error processing this cancellation on main server.
lock conflict on no wait transaction
update conflicts with concurrent update
requires both input and output filenames 

Error 2:
There was an error RaiseFees.
Unable to complete network request to host "<Our Server Name>".
Error writing data to the connection.
unknown Win32 error 10054

Error 3:
validation error for column VAT, value "*** null ***"
                -sql_dialect         set database dialect n

Please help in this regards, as it seems deadlock issue.

Trying hard to get the solution.

With Best Regards.
