Subject *** CharSet Question about FB 2.5 ***
Author ICAMSoft

Hi to All


My dev. tool is Delphi and target environment is Windows.

I usually i use for FB 2.5 the Win1253 charset as default for database creation as my customers are located in Greece.

Now, i want to add some UTF8 fields mainly for Name/Address etc fields that could keep data written in any language

(Extended Latin Alphabet, Cyrrilic etc)


What do you think is the better way to go?

One way could be of course set database default (& all the fields ) to UTF8 but this would multiple the db size by 2 or 3 times

even if the really Multilanguage capable fields are very few and only in 1-2 tables


Other way is define the  CharSet of database as None, define for most fields the Win1253 charset and only for the few one where needed the UTF8 charset. In this case i should do the encoding/deencoding to UTF8 by hand in the air by code.


What do you think about. Is the second way viable?

Any better proposal?