Subject Insert existing record into same table several times
Author Alan J Davies
Hi, I have a table similar to this simplified version.
Id integer
description char(15)
quantity integer
sequence_no integer - incremented by insert trigger and generator

Id Description quantity sequence_no
1 Beermat 1 1
2 Beer Mug 3 2
3 Whisky Glass 1 3

How can I insert a particular record - Id 2 another 2 times like this:

Id Description quantity sequence_no
1 Beermat 1 1
2 Beer Mug 1 2
3 Whisky Glass 1 3
2 Beer Mug 1 4
2 Beer Mug 1 5

create or alter procedure test_table_update
declare id1 integer;
declare description1 char(10);
declare quantity1 integer;
select Id, description, quantity
from Test_table
where quantity>1
into :Id1, :description1, :quantity1;
while (:quantity1>1) do
insert into Test_table(Id, description, quantity)
values(:Id1, :description1, 1);
update Test_table
set quantity=1
where quantity>1;

This works if there is one item with a quantity of more than 1 otherwise
I get "multiple rows in singleton select" error

Id Description quantity sequence_no
1 Beermat 3 1
2 Beer Mug 3 2
3 Whisky Glass 1 3

Any advice gratefully received.

Alan J Davies