Subject Re: [firebird-support] Insert existing record into same table several times
Author Thomas Beckmann
Hi Alan!

The reason is very simple:

The first select in your procedure is a singleton select, it can deal
with one record only, because it's no "for select ...". Thus you get an
error, if there are more than one record that match the condition

for select Id, description, quantity from Test_table where quantity>1
into :Id1, :description1, :quantity1
while (quantity1>1) do
insert into Test_table(Id, description, quantity)
values(:Id1, :description1, 1);

Cheers, Thomas

> create or alter procedure test_table_update
> as
> declare id1 integer;
> declare description1 char(10);
> declare quantity1 integer;
> begin
> select Id, description, quantity
> from Test_table
> where quantity>1
> into :Id1, :description1, :quantity1;
> while (:quantity1>1) do
> begin
> insert into Test_table(Id, description, quantity)
> values(:Id1, :description1, 1);
> quantity1=quantity1-1;
> end
> update Test_table
> set quantity=1
> where quantity>1;
> end
> This works if there is one item with a quantity of more than 1 otherwise
> I get "multiple rows in singleton select" error
> Id Description quantity sequence_no
> 1 Beermat 3 1
> 2 Beer Mug 3 2
> 3 Whisky Glass 1 3
> Any advice gratefully received.
> Alan
> --
> Alan J Davies
> Aldis

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thomas Beckmann

Wielandstraße 14c • 23558 Lübeck
Tel +49 (22 25) 91 34 - 545 • Fax +49 (22 25) 91 34 - 604
Mail thomas.beckmann@... <mailto:thomas.beckmann@...>


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