Subject Bug with JOIN?
Author Thomas Beckmann
Please consider the following example:

with recursive
CTE_CNT as (select 1 as I from RDB$DATABASE
union all select I + 1 from CTE_CNT where I < 20)

select i.I, j.I, k.I from CTE_CNT i
left join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I

I would expect this to behave as

select i.I, j.I, k.I from CTE_CNT i
left join (CTE_CNT j
join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I) on i.I = j.I and j.I<10

But it does not: It behaves like

select i.I, j.I, k.I from CTE_CNT i
join CTE_CNT j on i.I = j.I and j.I<10
join CTE_CNT k on j.I = k.I

Can someone explain this to me? Is this as intended or is this a bug?

Thanks alot! Thomas

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thomas Beckmann

Wielandstraße 14c • 23558 Lübeck
Tel +49 (22 25) 91 34 - 545 • Fax +49 (22 25) 91 34 - 604
Mail thomas.beckmann@... <mailto:thomas.beckmann@...>


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