Subject Re: [firebird-support] Unable to create unique constraint
Author Thomas Beckmann
Hi André,

try disconnect, reconnect, does the problem persist?

Cheers, Thomas

Am 20.03.2014 17:09, schrieb André Knappstein:
> Hi Gang!
> While preparing the final steps to migrate from dBase/FB 1.5 to C#/FB
> 2.5 I need to create a unique constraint for the old databases, and
> need some help from someone still familiar with 1.5.
> Not using uniques too often, so it's probably something I am doing
> basically wrong, but I can't create the following unique constraint:
> alter table T
> add constraint UNQ1_T
> unique (F1, F2)
> using index UC_T
> I receive the following error:
> Invalid insert or update value(s): object columns are constrained - no 2 table rows can have duplicate column values.
> attempt to store duplicate value (visible to active transactions) in unique index "@1".
> I checked that at this moment the table should be "clean" from
> duplicates by using the following statement:
> select
> T.F1,
> T.F2,
> count(T.ID)
> from
> T
> group by
> 1, 2
> having
> count(T.ID) > 1
> The result after the first run was a bunch of rows which would have
> violated the unique. I cleared them off using a "For select..." in a
> stored proc and subsequent runs yield only empty rowsets.
> So the table should be ready for the unique shouldn't it?
> Can somebody help me to see the forest with all these trees around,
> please? What else could stop a unique like this? If I make a backup of
> the database and restore it to a FB 2.5 server, the unique is created
> just fine. The old server is Classic Engine, if that should matter.
> Thanks in advance!
> mit freundlichen Grüßen,
> André Knappstein
> EDV und Controlling
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Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thomas Beckmann

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