Subject [Ticket #11] [firebird-support] Questions about nbackup
Author Desarrollo
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On Mar 07, 2014 @ 03:24 pm, ak@... wrote:
> I have been looking into switching from gbak to nbackup. From what I
> have read about nbackup I am left with some, possibly incorrect,
> impressions.
> 1) nbackup is a page level backup rather than a row-by-row backup like
> gbak.
> 2) nbackup does no integrity checking of the database as it is backed
> up. It simply copies the database page by page.
> 3) If 2) is true, then this would seem to imply that I could back up a
> corrupted database using nbackup without ever knowing that the
> database was corrupt.
> 4) If 2) & 3) are true this would seem to imply that I could restore a
> corrupted database using nbackup and wind up with a corrupted
> database, the same as the original.
In general, you are right.
Read this presentation about backups in Firebird, it has more details
about corruptions and gbak/nbackup:

Alexey Kovyazin
IBSurgeon (

> Please feel free to correct my misconceptions.

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