Subject 32 or 64-bit
Author Freddy Holst Christensen
Hey All

I have installed Firebird 2.5 (x64).

In the installation directory: c:\program Files\Firebird\Firebird_2.5
there is a file fbclient.dll
And in C:\Program Files\Firebird\Firebird\WOW64 there is also af
fbclient.dll, about 1,5 larger than the first.

If I create a 32-bit, and use the first fbclient.dll, it works fine

But when I try to create a 64-bit program, I get problems.
When I use the first fbclient.dll, I get eroors like Access Violation
And the second, will not load.

Any Ideas?

I use C++ Builder XE5, IBDac from DevArt- c:\, and Windows7
