Subject Re: gds32 cohexistance of different firebird installations
Author lem_ita_78
It would be a good thing but I can't. I wan't change anything in apps' yust debug some problems to solve them. My app is deployed by more than 800-1000 different customer installations. I'm working on a new completly rewritten app with FB2.5.

This is why i have this problems. When i have to debug old programs i use fb1.5, 2.0 2.1 and 2.5. Everytime I change FB I must remember to chenge the gds32.dll in system dir.
To change the running FB server i've made me a tool tht stops the running fb and starts that one that i need.. I would automate this also with gds..

Is it possible set and use a different folder (not system and not app folder) to automatically overwrite the gds library whith the right one?


--- In, André Knappstein <Knappstein@...> wrote:
> Martin,
> which version of BDE?
> If you did not do too many "native driver" specific things, you can
> change the alias to use ODBC instead of the native Interbase topology.
> I know many cases where this works very fine.
> I can personally confirm this works with ODBC driver on
> Firebird 1.5.x servers, and I know some people who changed from native
> Interbase to Firebird 2.1 and 2.5 without problems.
> Maybe it is worth a try?
> Along with each and every ODBC DSN you could use a separate copy of
> fbclient.dll.
> > Thanks for your answer. I know this, but I have some old programs
> > build in delphi 2 with BDE.. so I can't use fbclient.dll.
> > I have this problem only on my develop workstation, where I need to
> > change the running FB version many times a day...
> > Is it possible to set something (a registry key, a config file,
> > some other trick) to tell windows where to look for this dll?
> > Is it possible to move this dll to an other folder removing it from
> > windows\system\ without malfunctions?
> > Thank's Martin