Subject gds32 cohexistance of different firebird installations
Author lem_ita_78
Hi, I'm a software developper and I'm new in this NG.
Daily I have to check data and programs in different Firebird versions. (FB 1.5, 2.0, 2.1, 2.5).

To do this, I've build a tool that stops the firebird service (fbserver) and starts the selected fb server (version that i need).

I've encountered some problems with gds32..
If i use FB2.5 with the FB1.5 gds library, I recive errors executing queryes and the same occurs if i use Fb1. or 2.0 with gds32 of 2.5 version.

My question is about Gds32.dll location..
Is it possible to set (in registry? in config file? ) which gds32.dll to use? or in which folter to look for gds32.dll?

If this is not possible, can I move gds32 from system folder to an other folder?

Thank's and sorry for my english