Subject Select * where FieldString = 3 allowed on some Firebird servers
Author cornievs

Testing Server
Windows 7 Professional
Firebird 2.5.2 Superserver (Default settings with just TCP-IP changes)

Production Server
Windows 7 Home
Firebird 2.5.2 Superserver (Default settings with just TCP-IP changes)

In my application developed in Delphi XE2, dbExpress I made the error of writing scripts like:

Select Fields from Table where VARSTR = 3
instead of
Select Fields from Table where VARSTR = '3'
Where VARSTR is defined as VARCHAR[15]
I know in die earlier versions of Firebird is was allowed not to used the single quotes, but that it change.

My problem is this:

On the testing server the wrong script works fine with a binary copy of the data and it work fine on the production server until yesterday afternoon when it started to give the "can not convert "" to" in the application.

I will fix my code, but want I know why:
a) The wrong code work on the TEST server
b) Worked and then stopped working on the production server

Any pointers would be appreciated.

Thanks for the all posts here, I learn everyday.

