Subject Re: [firebird-support] Select * where FieldString = 3 allowed on some Firebird servers
Author Mark Rotteveel
On 12-7-2013 09:14, cornievs wrote:
> Background
> Testing Server
> Windows 7 Professional
> Firebird 2.5.2 Superserver (Default settings with just TCP-IP changes)
> Production Server
> Windows 7 Home
> Firebird 2.5.2 Superserver (Default settings with just TCP-IP changes)
> In my application developed in Delphi XE2, dbExpress I made the error of writing scripts like:
> Select Fields from Table where VARSTR = 3
> instead of
> Select Fields from Table where VARSTR = '3'
> Where VARSTR is defined as VARCHAR[15]
> I know in die earlier versions of Firebird is was allowed not to used the single quotes, but that it change.

This has always been allowed in Firebird, see Interbase 6.0 Data
Definition Guide page 82, Converting Datatypes, Implicit type conversions

> My problem is this:
> On the testing server the wrong script works fine with a binary copy of the data and it work fine on the production server until yesterday afternoon when it started to give the "can not convert "" to" in the application.
> I will fix my code, but want I know why:
> a) The wrong code work on the TEST server
> b) Worked and then stopped working on the production server
> Any pointers would be appreciated.

Could you post the exact error message, the message _"can not convert ""
to"_ seems to be incomplete.

Mark Rotteveel