Subject FB-2.5.1, Trigger isn using a index for the update-statment or
Author simonsays768
i have two update statements(example):

update a (4000 records / one record to update)
set aid = 2
where id = 1

update b (40000 records / one record to update)
set bid = 2
where id = 1

if i let them run, they will both update the data in ~30ms.

now, i want to create a trigger with the second statement on the table "a", something like this:

CREATE OR ALTER trigger asdf1 for a
active after update position 230
update b
set bid = new.aid
where id =

i execute the statement to update table "a" and it will update both tables, but it runs ~500ms.
on both tables are indices for the "id"-column.

if i delete the index for table "b" the statement uses also ~500ms to run.

therefor i thought, i use for the update a plan in the trigger like this:

update b
set bid = 2
where id = 1
plan (b index (b_id_idx1));

i can run this statement, but the trigger isnt allowing the statement to be saved.
"index cannot be used in the specified plan.
index b_id_idx1 cannot be used in the specified plan."
(i've tested 2.5.1 and 2.5.2 RC1)

maybe someone can help me, thank you