Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: The worst day i can have with firebird
Author Thomas Steinmaurer
>> following through this thread and I agree it is a programming error
>> causing a waste of resources. But I am confused as to why this is a
>> problem for Firebird. I thought that lots of short transactions was
>> actually something to be encouraged over long running transactions. Is
>> there some limit to # of transactions / time period?
> The installation was using Firebird 2.5.2 SC. There was near 800000 transactions/day, more than a half between 8:00 AM and 15:00PM.
> The system runs fine and the performance was good except the problems of page conversion, some minutes the System was frozen (10 minutes) at 9:30 AM, and the crash i had deleting one attachment.
> 1. The frozen may be because a sweep was executed. I had sweep interval set to 20000. Now is disabled and executed at night.

Ok. Just a note. In a recent 2.5.2 snapshot build, King Vlad added
support for tracing the sweep process via the Trace API. Very useful!
Let me know if you want a recent FB TraceManager build, which has
support for that.

> 2. The page conversion, i think is solved, when we corrected the overhead generated by the transactions.

During load, I would run fb_lock_print to check the lock table size and
hash slots. Check out Dmitry's conference session, if you are curious:

> 3. The crash deleting the attachment, is complicated to reproduce now, because I think the source is the amount of transactions. I'm worried with this one, because I don't like engine crash.
> May be this amount of transactions is not good for Firebird.

600000 transactions / day, uniformly distributed means ~ 7 transactions
per second, which is nothing. I'm sure you don't have that pattern in
production, thus e.g. the most busy hour in respect to transaction
throughput might be interesting.

I would also check out the header page regularly and its transaction
counters. Combined with the monitoring table and Trace API, you have a
toolset to identify the offending operations.

With regards,
Thomas Steinmaurer

> Regards, jesus
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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