Subject Re: [firebird-support] Re: The worst day i can have with firebird
Author Jesús García
> Is this related to user-interaction, cause I'm curious on the frequency
> the query needs to be executed?
No, is a programmer error. Is a Web page that shows a master detail. There is a stored procedure that returns comments of the detail. Instead of loading all data once and painting the page, master and detail is loaded in one transaction, and when painting the detail grid in the page, for each row is opening a transaction, execute the query that returns the comments of all detail lines, and close the query and transaction.

There are details with 60 or 80 lines, what makes 60 or 80 transactions, because when painting the detail grid, the transaction/query loop is executed.

If there is 100 users viewing orders, that implies 100 + 60 *100 transactions, Instead of 100. This behaviour along the day can sum between 250000 and 300000 transactions not needed.

As I said is a programmer error, and I hope when is solved the error will disappear.

Regards, jesus._,___

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