Subject SAM Broadcaster and Firebird.
Author llloyd3
Hello everyone! I hope I can make this as simple as possible so the problem can be quickly fixed. First off, I am using Firebird 1.5, not 2.5, SAM Broadcaster can't use 2.5 as it gives a tbQuery error for 'ver'. So please please please don't suggest upgrading to 2.5 as SAM Broadcaster can't *use* it, unless you know of a working solution to that error. But that's not the problem. I am running Windows 7 SP1, fully updated, and I install Firebird 1.5, reboot the computer, Then run the SAM installer and the SAM doesn't throw out a tbQuery error so woot! But then the installer says it can't connect to the database. O.o Ok...

Administrator Tools -> Services shows both Firebird Guardian and Firebird Server (both '- DefaultInstance') as running and automatic and netstat shows ... I used pastebin as it's rather long and I don't want to spam people. >.< So with the available data anyone know what is broken?