Subject Re: firebird password
Author kornelraju
if the client comes to know that, his data can be stolen with stealing single file, he would cancel the whole contract.

ishamel, can u explain bit in details about creating a sysdba and user roles.

--- In, Kjell Rilbe <kjell.rilbe@...> wrote:
> Den 2011-04-15 09:41 skrev kornelraju såhär:
> > I was working on a ERP system and finally, concluded.
> > I used firebird as database. I created a new password for admin. created
> > a new user and password.
> > I installed on a client machine, the erp.fdb file and the application.
> > They were using and were happy.
> > Now, I came to know that, one guy in the client place, stole the erp.fdb
> > and tried several passwords and did not get it, so, he installed a
> > firebird on his computer and copied the erp.fdb and opened it with
> > firebird default password, and stole the entire db design.
> >
> > how to protect from this kind of things.
> > How to make sure, that the database cannot be copied?
> I keep failing to see how the DB design in itself could be so valuable
> as to warrant protection. But if you want to make it a bit more
> difficult, while not totally secure, you can add obfuscation to what
> others have suggested. Call all tables t1, t2, t3, t4 etc, as well as
> all other entities (constraints, generators, keys, indices, domains,
> views, columns, ...). It would still be possible to figure out what's
> what but it sure makes things more difficult.
> Kjell
> --
> --------------------------------------
> Kjell Rilbe
> DataDIA AB
> E-post: kjell@...
> Telefon: 08-761 06 55
> Mobil: 0733-44 24 64