Subject Re: [firebird-support] incremental search ?
Author Iwan Cahyadi Sugeng
I'm using clientdataset.filter for increamental first you must
load the data to clientdataset by connecting to datasetprovider that connect
to your ibx dataset,then on the edit control onchange event set
clientdataset.filter := format('NAME like %s',['%' + quotedchar(edit1.text)
+ '%'])
Where NAME should be changed to your fieldname
So the increamental search happen only on the client side and done in memory
so it should be very fast

I suggest not to do filtering directly to database like what you have
done,it can caused network conggestion

Iwan CS
On 8 Apr 2011 10:27, "Sergio H. Gonzalez" <shg_sistemas@...> wrote:

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