Subject incremental search ?
Author Sergio H. Gonzalez
Hello! probably this is a silly question, but I'd like to know other's
experiences in this matter. I'd like to implement an incremental search
facility in some forms. I think I've read somewhere that incremental
search is not a good idea on client/server databases... so my first
question: is that true?

I'm using Firebird 2.1 with Delphi / IBX components and I'm testing with
a very simple method: on the OnChange event of an Edit box I close the
query (select * from my table where name containing :somename) pass
Edit1.Text as parameter and open the query again. So far (and with a few
thousand records) it seems to be ok. So the next question: Is that
method OK? should I be aware of someting in the future? I didn't test it
with A LOT of records yet so I'd like to hear any advice. Thank you very

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