Subject Re: 1.5.3 NONE -> 2.5 UNICODE_FSS
Author martin.agren
And I think it looks as if we agree - gbak is not the way to go.

--- In, Thomas Steinmaurer <ts@...> wrote:
> Martin,
> >>>>> -I dont need to bring along the data, metadata upgrade will do
> >>>>> -Metadata includes local characters (åäö in custom exceptions for example) in NONE charset db
> >>>>> -Big (huge?) database when it comes to # of triggers and procedures
> >>>>> -Tried backup/restore with -fix_ flags
> >>>>
> >>>> - What was the exact usage of gbak?
> >
> > Maybe I was unclear here - I used the -fix_fss_metadata flag with gbak, which at first glance seem to be what I need. But my conclusion was that gbak cannot used, since it doesnt have a target charset flag at restore. I end up with another NONE db.
> You are mixing things up here. The -fix_fss switches have to be used if
> you get a "malformed string" exception during restore, but this won't
> change the character set of your database.
> For changing the character set, you have to:
> - Extract the database DDL from the existing database
> - Create a new empty database with the new character set (e.g. UTF8)
> - Execute the DDL in the new empty database
> - Transfer data from your existing database into the new one
> --
> With regards,
> Thomas Steinmaurer
> Upscene Productions
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